Shift into a higher gear on the customer journey

As a carrier, you stand between the e-retailer and the end customer. Communication is important for the overall experience. With the right workflow, you can become king of the last mile.

Evolving the customer journey with smart dialogues

The most common frustration among customers is that they do not know when the delivery will arrive and cannot influence the time window. With a smart system, you can offer a much more flexible solution in an SMS-based flow.


Smart SMS feeds and secure communication solutions

GENERIC dialog-based river
Dialogue-based flows

Automated SMS is easy, fast and safe for customers and customer service, allowing the choices of time and place of delivery.

Innovative and flexible

We customize the communication flow according to your needs, give good advice and follow you on the whole journey, from implementation to delivery.

All data in Sweden

Your or your customers' data is never floating in the clouds, but is always safely stored in our Swedish server halls.

"With short delivery windows, fast and accurate dialog is essential."

Gordon Delivery certainly lives up to the title of "King of the Last Mile". The company reaches over 19 million customers with temperature-controlled transportation for food and pharmaceuticals. Over 99% of deliveries are successful and customer satisfaction is very high. Detailed delivery information, tracking and rating are part of the solution.


How to create efficient workflows and become king of the last mile

Automated systems for delivery notifications and service bookings have several advantages. The systems make sure your customers remember exactly what to do, read more.