
"Reliable notifications we can easily change are an added value."

Early Bird delivers your online purchases to your mailbox with your newspaper delivery. You will receive your package at the same time as the morning paper and in time for breakfast, even if you are not a subscriber.

Early Bird reaches 95 percent of Sweden's households, both in urban and rural areas. The UN's global sustainability goals are the starting point for the daily operations and the co-deliveries are a benefit for senders, recipients and the environment. Early Bird uses Generic for SMS communication with recipients. Early Bird's customers include Apotea, Adlibris and Lyko.

We had a chat with Fia Hernborg, Marketing and Communications Manager at Early Bird.

Fia, what do you use Generic's services for?

- At Early Bird, we use Generics SMS to inform our customers about upcoming deliveries.



What is the main benefit of the service for you?

- We have much better control and follow-up on our SMS messages. We can also continuously change the communication in the text messages.

How do you feel the solution has improved for your customers?

- An added value for both our customers and ourselves is reliable notifications that we can easily change.

Why did you choose Generic as your supplier?

- We find Generic reliable, affordable and has a very user-friendly interface. A simple and reliable system is very important to us. But best of all, you are incredibly reliable, knowledgeable, offer a stable service and are very pleasant to work with.