September 4, 2014
Net strengthening measures
Starting in the fall of 2014, Generic Mobile, together with subcontractors, will replace the aging transmission to base stations for the Minical service. By switching to a more modern IP-based technology in the distribution network, Generic Mobile sees opportunities for better reliability, higher availability and greater flexibility.
Starting in September, pilot installations will be carried out. This will be followed by a period of testing before the major work of changing the transmission to all base stations begins. Tests will primarily take place in and around Arvidsjaur, Luleå, Munksund, Måttsund, Rosvik and Älvsbyn. You are welcome to contact Customer Service, tel. 020-31 00 41, if you have any questions or for any other reason believe you are experiencing a change in quality.
The major work of changing technology will then take place continuously until the end of 2015, when we plan to be able to complete the work. Here on the website we will continuously during the work inform about which locations are affected.