SMS Web Handbook
You log in to SMS Web via and the customer login that you find in the upper right corner. Then select SMS Web from the drop-down menu. Log in by entering your username and password and click on "Log in".
Set up and change your user information
Under the username at the top right and "My Profile" you can manage your account, e.g. change password and set your user details.
Here you can also choose what will be displayed as the sender of the SMS sent from SMS Web. The sender can be a word up to eleven characters long or a phone number. If you choose a word, it is not possible to reply to the SMS you send. If you specify your own mobile number as the sender, any replies will be sent to your mobile phone. If you have phone numbers for receiving SMS linked to your account, they will be displayed here and settings such as autoresponders, stop words and URL notification can be managed.
Autoresponder: A reply message automatically sent to the phone number that sends an SMS to the inbox number.
Stop word: Function for incoming SMS to block a mobile number. Ex. deregistration.
URL notification: The function can be activated when the SMS Gateway is used to receive SMS, read more in the technical description for REST.
Add user
Under "My users" you can add users who have a main account. Only you who have access to the main account can see and use this menu item. To add new users, click on "Create new user". Select a desired username, SMS sender and a password. Then click on "Save". Now your new users can log in to SMS Web.
Restrict users to send message templates only
After the user is created, you who have access to the main account can restrict your users to only use ready-made templates in SMS mailings.
Go to My Users, click on the user to be restricted, and at the bottom, check the restriction box and select save. The user will now only be able to use the templates you created when sending SMS.
Create templates
Select "My templates" in the menu to manage templates. Create a new template by clicking on the "Create new template" button, give the template a name and write the text you want in the template. Then click on Save. With a master account, you can create and share templates with all your sub-users. The templates can also be locked so that the text in the template cannot be changed by the sub-user. When the template is created, click the "Shared" or "Locked" checkboxes to use the features. When used, a template can automatically retrieve text from the fields available under "My Profile". Use the text strings below for this.
{userId}: Hämtar Användar-ID från Min profil
{name}: Hämtar För - och efternamn från Min profil
{userDescr}: Hämtar Beskrivning från Min profil
{email}: Hämtar E-postadress från Min profil
{gsmNumber}: Hämtar Mobilnummer från Min profil
{{namn}}: Fritextfält. Ersätt namn med valfri text, som t.ex. ger vägledning till det som ska det som ska skrivas i fältet.
To delete templates, select the templates you want to delete with the checkbox to the left of the template name and then press the "Delete selected" button.
Sending messages
To send messages, type in the top field one or more phone numbers to which your message should be sent. Multiple phone numbers are separated by a colon or by Enter. You can also select recipients from "Contacts". In the dialog box that opens, you will see your saved individuals and groups. Select the contacts or groups to which the message should be sent. The selected contacts are added as recipients.
Type your message in the message field. On the right below the message field, you can see how many characters your message is, if the message is longer than 160 characters, several SMS are automatically formed and sent to the recipients. The SMS is linked together in the recipient's mobile phone and displayed as one message.
Once you have added message templates, you can find them at the top right by clicking on "Select template". Click on "Send" to send the message.
In "Contacts" you can save phone numbers and also group them. Select "New contact" to add a phone number and save it with a name of your choice. Under "Groups" you can create a group and select the contacts to be included in it. When you have a master account, you can set a contact or group to be shared with all your users. When you share a contact or group, all users can see and use it under their own login but cannot change or edit the contact.
Import phone number from Excel file
If you want to import several recipients at once into Contacts, you can do so from an Excel file. Create the file with header columns, e.g. "Name", "Phone number" and "Group". Enter the name and phone number and any group affiliation under each heading. When the file is imported, the contacts and the specified groups are created. Group affiliation is optional to enter in the Excel file, when it is not specified, no groups are created during import. In SMS Web, click "Import", select the Excel file and then match each column to the specified headings. Then click on import.
Bulk SMS
Bulk SMS is used to send large amounts of SMS, at a predetermined time, to phone numbers contained in an
Excel file, comma-separated text file or in SMS Web Contacts. With Bulk SMS it is also possible to send personalized
customized SMS.
File format
Files used in Bulk SMS should be an Excel file or a semi-colon separated text file. In the first column of the file, the recipients'
telephone numbers, starting with +46, 07 or 0046 or another country code when sending SMS
abroad. The phone numbers in the file should as far as possible contain only numbers, but the Bulk SMS function automatically
automatically removes any hyphens (not dashes), slashes and spaces that are in the phone numbers. Such characters
do not need to be removed from the file. Note that there must be no blank lines in the file, a blank line is interpreted as
end of phone number which results in phone numbers after the blank line not being included in the mailing.
Blank rows can easily be removed by filtering or sorting in Excel. In the second, third, fourth column of the file, etc.
personal information can be entered, e.g. name, address or similar. The information can be inserted in the respective SMS.
Create a mailing
To create a Bulk SMS mailing, click on Bulk SMS and "New mailing", and give the mailing an arbitrary name, a start time and a sender.
Avsändare: Är det ord eller telefonnummer som kommer att visas som SMS-avsändare för de telefonnummer du skickar till.
Giltighetstid: Gör det möjligt att styra hur länge ett olevererat SMS ska vänta på att bli levererat. Om giltighetstiden t.ex. sätts till 5 minuter levereras inte SMSet till telefonnummer som inte går att nå inom 5 minuter från det att utskicket gjordes. Det normala är att ett SMS lever i 72 timmar (4320 minuter).
Välj mottagare: Välj de mottagare som dina SMS ska skickas till, antingen genom att ladda upp en fil eller välja från Kontakter.
Skriv meddelande: I andra steget skriver du ditt meddelande. Du kan skriva fritext, använda mallar eller välja att hämta information från din fils kolumner, och från Kontakter. Innehållet hämtas till meddelandetexten genom att skriva {1}, {2} o.s.v. utifrån vilken kolumn du vill hämta information från. När mottagare väljs från Kontakter kan endast {1}, som infogar det namn som mottagaren är sparad som, användas. Observera att första kolumnen i en fil anges som {0}.
Förhandsgranska: Med förhandsgranskningen är det enkelt att stega igenom de första SMSen i utskicket för att verifiera att de innehåller rätta information.
Stop list
Stop list is a function that ensures that SMS are not sent to specified phone numbers that are in the stop list. It is possible for administrators and sub-users to have unique stop lists. It is possible to link a prefix word such as "STOP" to the stop list. When SMS is received on the current prefix word, the sending phone number is automatically added to the stop list along with the time and the note "Request from phone number". Automatic management of the stop list requires an activated inbox number.
The stop list is administered in the menu item "My Profile", where stop words per inbox number are entered, and in the menu item Stop list where telephone numbers included in the stop list are displayed and can be administered. Telephone numbers together with a note can be added to the stop list, which also shows the time when the telephone number was added to the list. It is possible to delete telephone numbers from the stop list.
Message log
In the Message Log you can see the times, recipients, message and status of your shipments. If you want to export all or part of the
log to Excel, click on the "Export" button. You can also view statistics for all or part of your sent messages
by clicking on the "View statistics" button.
In the log you can see when the message was sent, sender, recipient, message, number of SMS, status and status time. Status is available in 4 different levels:
- Transmitting: SMS is being sent
- Sent: SMS has been sent but acknowledgement of receipt of SMS has not yet been received
- Transmission error: SMS not delivered, no more attempts will be made, the SMS cannot be delivered
- Delivered: the SMS has been delivered to the recipient
Sign Up
Sign Up is an additional function in SMS Web that allows you to create a group that customers can sign up for or unsubscribe from themselves via SMS.
You give the group a name that you use to send SMS from SMS Web to all phone numbers that are currently in the group. Two prefix words on a telephone number are linked to the group, a start word and a stop word, which makes it possible to register or deregister from a group by SMS. For example, the words START and STOP on short code 71720 can be linked to a group. This means that SMS with the word START sent to the short code 71720 registers the sending telephone number to the group and the word STOP to 71720 deregisters the sending telephone number from a group.
The prerequisite for creating a Sign Up group is that you have two prefix words on a phone number, which is obtained by Generic when ordering the function.
Create a new subscription list by selecting "Sign Up" in the menu on the right and then pressing "New Sign Up group". Give the group a name and enter the prefix words that you received from Generic and want to associate with the group.
Schedule your mailings
Set it up so that notifications are sent at a specific time or, for example, every hour. Select "Scheduling" from the menu and click on "New scheduled activity".
Active: Whether your scheduled activity should be active or not
Repeat: Choose if, and how often your message should be repeated
Start time: The time you want the message to be sent
End time: The time the scheduled message ends
Message type: The type of message you want to send
Recipients: The recipients you want to add to the mailing, type numbers directly or select from contacts.
Message: The message sent according to your schedule
The Inbox displays received SMS. After logging in, the number of new SMS is displayed with a number next to the "Inbox" menu item. When the Inbox page is active, at the same time as new SMS are received, it is displayed with a number at the refresh button. The number shows the number of unread SMS that will be displayed when you choose to click the refresh button.
It is also possible to reply to received SMS messages from the inbox, the inbox phone number is then set as the sender. The inbox shows current SMS conversations grouped by the phone number from which the SMS was received. Received and sent SMS are displayed when you click on a line in the inbox. The latest events in the conversation are displayed at the bottom of the feed. It is possible to delete received SMS in a conversation as well as the entire conversation.
A master account can have an inbox consisting of a series of numbers, for example 10 phone numbers, this means that the user can receive SMS on 10 different phone numbers and any replies will appear simultaneously in the inbox. An Administrator can also assign inbox numbers to their sub-users.
The inbox allows you to filter and export messages. You can filter by sending phone number, receiving phone number and time range. An export is performed to an Excel file.
It is possible to set an auto-reply that is automatically sent to anyone who sends an SMS to an inbox number. The auto-reply is set per inbox number and is managed under My Profile, or under My Users (for main accounts). You can also choose to notify incoming SMS to a phone number or email address. A notification is then sent for each SMS received in the Inbox. The notification is configured under My Profile and can easily be adjusted with a checkbox between on/off
Multi-search / SMS Group
Used to administer Multi Search and SMS Group. Choose how your messages are delivered, you can choose several options, e.g. both as dialed, SMS and e-mail.
If you want your messages to be delivered both as dialed and as SMS, type your phone number twice, select text for regular SMS, and Read for dialed delivery. The sender of the dialed message will be the Multisearch/Group SMS number. For SMS, you can specify the sender to be displayed and for e-mail you can choose your own subject line. If you want to keep the original SMS sender, check "keep original SMS sender"